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Diagnostic General & Miscellaneous Ultrasounds

Ultrasound can be used to evaluate soft tissue structures and organs that are close to the skin surface. Common uses include imaging of the thyroid, palpable lumps or bumps anywhere on the body, to look for and evaluate hernias, as well as evaluate the scrotum and ensure proper blood flow to the testicles.

gland ultrasound
thyroid ultrasound


Extremity Nonvascular (Lump or bump)

A targeted ultrasound to image focal pain or any lumps or bumps on the body.



A targeted ultrasound of the scrotum and testicles to evaluate tissues and blood flow. This is a very common way to evaluate these tissues because there is no radiation involved. 


Hernia Evaluation

Your provider may order an ultrasound if you have pain or other symptoms associated with a hernia, but no hernia or mass is palpable. It may also be used to gauge any changes in an existing hernia.

ultrasound near me
testicular ultrasound



A targeted ultrasound of the thyroid gland to evaluate or follow nodules.


Head/Neck Soft tissue

A targeted ultrasound palpable lumps or bumps on the head or in the neck region, separate from the thyroid gland. 



A noninvasive diagnostic exam that produces images, which used to assess the organs and structures within the chest, such as the lungs, mediastinum (area in the chest containing the heart, aorta, trachea, esophagus, thymus, and lymph nodes), and pleural space (space between the lungs and the interior wall of the chest).
This does NOT include breast tissue.

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